Knight Free Expression Research Series – Knight Foundation

Knight Free Expression Research Series

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VP/Learning and Impact
Director/Learning and Impact


Free expression and the freedom of speech are cornerstones of American democracy. Our First Amendment rights to free expression play a vital role in maintaining a healthy and participatory democracy. We see speech and press freedom as central to our mission to foster informed and engaged communities. 

We’ve spent nearly two decades conducting public opinion research in the Knight Free Expression (KFX) research series, which explores how emerging generations, as well as the broader American public, view freedom of speech and free expression issues. 

We believe this research offers a glimpse into the future and elevates student voices to the national dialogue. Moreover, it’s important for campus leaders to hear directly from students–and see their evolving attitudes towards free speech–as they design their school environments for open inquiry. 

Findings from our Latest Research

The KFX research series has grown into a robust body of work, illuminating longitudinal trends in attitudes toward free speech issues. With a focus on understanding high school and college students’ views of the First Amendment, this research provides policymakers and education leaders with insights to inform their campus environments and prepare the next generation to actively participate in our democracy. It also offers insights into the future attitudes around this important topic.

Since beginning this research in 2016, we have found that college students view speech rights as important, yet increasingly less secure. Even with support for free speech, students are actively confronting the tension between upholding free speech principles and protecting students from offensive speech. In recent years, students are finding it harder to express themselves freely. In fact a majority reports self-censoring both on campus and online, which they believe is limiting their educational experience. Below we have included key findings from our latest research:

There is steady support for the First Amendment among students and teachers since we began this research in 2004. Students and teachers overwhelmingly agree that people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions, a finding that has been consistent for nearly two decades. Importantly, education on the First Amendment is directly correlated to student support for free speech. That said, less than 60% of students support news organizations publishing without government censorship.

Americans across many demographics appreciate freedom of speech and recognize its benefits to society and democracy. While most Americans feel they enjoy First Amendment protections around their speech rights, some groups––such as Black Americans––feel notably less secure. Additionally, 70% of Americans say that hate speech on social media is a serious problem. For the 2021 “Free Expression in America Post-2020” report, Knight Foundation commissioned Ipsos to conduct a survey with a nationally representative sample of more than 4,000 American adults, including an additional sample of 1,000 undergraduate college students.